Moving sustainably
On foot, by car sharing or by bike?
Our attacked global climate is causing increasing storms, shifting climate zones and melting glaciers. Nitrogen oxides are increasingly causing health problems and damaging our ecosystem.
We are in times when we must face the stark reality and the fact that we humans are not only accomplices but also the only eligible saviors. So what can we do?
Three key trends can help us: sustainability, digitization and urbanization.

It is not just the industries that are responsible for greenhouse gas emissions through the burning of coal, gas and oil, factory farming and food cultivation. Each of us is linked to this action in a certain way and is subject to consumer society.
A really important part is our mobility behavior - we currently use 47.7 million vehicles in Germany - this is a record that has never been reached before. And many of us use cars for short distances, even though alternatives are available. Research and start-ups are currently focusing on networking, sharing, electrification and cycling culture.
What can you currently do to move more sustainably?
On foot
You can also walk to the bakery, supermarket or pick-up service at your favorite restaurant if you invest a little more time. You get more fresh air, stimulate blood circulation and your cardiovascular system. It has been proven that you can then deal with stress better and sleep better. A great side effect, right?
By bike or e-bike
One thing is already clear: around 50% of car journeys in town are less than 5 km. This can be done quickly by bike and would save several million tons of CO² per year.
So bring on the bike and boost your fat burning in a way that is easy on the joints. Here, too, stress hormones are reduced and the cardiovascular system is strengthened. And best of all, you also save money.
If you don't have your own bike or want to save costs, bike sharing is an option. In more and more cities you can easily rent a city bike on the street and conveniently park it somewhere else.
If you want to become part of e-mobility, you can of course also switch to an electric bike. Inexpensive entry-level models are available from €200. Long distances are then even less of a problem and inclines and headwinds are no longer opponents.
According to studies, e-bike fans ride the streets three times more often than normal cyclists. Riding an e-bike seems to be a lot of fun.
If you don't know which type of bike is right for you, get advice in a bike shop or have a look at this blog post . There is also the sustainable and cheaper option of buying a used bike if you want to save money.

car sharing
Here you share a car with other people - in the best case it is a hybrid or electric model. With this measure you save resources and energy and replace several private cars.
Car sharing cars have become indispensable in some large cities. With providers such as ShareNow (Car2Go, DriveNow) or miles mobility, you can easily rent a car and park it at the desired location.
But maybe you can also imagine using a car in the neighborhood?
Public transportation
Enormous amounts of resources and CO² emissions can be saved by bus and train. This is not only useful on long journeys.
Finding the quickest way for a route using public transport is quick and easy with your smartphone. Google Maps is the most popular app for this. No matter where you are in the world - you will be shown the route in every combination i.e. bus, train, jogging and cycling routes.
car pooling
Carpooling reduces CO² emissions per capita and is becoming increasingly popular. You can also save on your own travel expenses and meet new people. Of course, you can also avoid driving with strangers and simply get friends, colleagues or family to carpool.
Join us and rethink your everyday ways.
Leave your car for at least a week and try out alternatives.
When we develop an awareness of our everyday locomotion, we realize when we actually need cars or public transport. It's best to jump on a bike for short distances or go on foot.